Andrea Emiliani
Curator - Member of the Scientific CommitteeThe preliminary and at the same time parallel path of the work of clearing up archival sources and of the actual foundation of a virtual bank of positive knowledge traced back to the Gonzagas and from here connected to all the Italian lordships in relationship with the dominant family took the his rightful start in contact and in comparison with the initial activity of the Getty Information Institute, where Raffalella Morselli had already conducted numerous researches in the past years.
From those lines of work, reshaping methods and techniques, Raffaella Morselli led an elected and trained group of researchers in collaboration with the archival and historical authority of Daniela Ferrari.
On this scenario, the imagination becomes more concrete, it now allows us to give a direction of business method destined to give a high meaning to the opportunity launched by the Mantuan exhibition. It is a plan capable of imparting a decisive progression to research, its ways and its tools, for a renewed temporal and spatial knowledge of Italian art.